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Personal Background

Throughout your life you may have several health-related events that may contribute temporarily or permanently to the burden of impairments you may have to bear. It is not the same to suffer from appendicitis, which leaves almost no after-effects once you have recovered, as it is to suffer from Arterial Hypertension or, worse still, a Heart Attack. That is why, in this section, you are firstly asked for high-level data on the type of conditions that you may be suffering or have suffered from and that could have lasting repercussions on your state of health and later, depending on your choices, you will be asked for more specific information, in order to achieve greater precision in terms of your health conditions and their possible impact on your general state of health.

Arterial Hypertension.

Hypertension as a personal history, depending on the length of time and effectiveness of the treatment instituted, suggests the establishment of a remodelling process (alteration) of both the blood vessels (the pipes through which blood circulates) of all calibres, and various target organs such as the heart, eye, brain and kidney, elements that must be monitored by the physician to adjust treatment and avoid other consequences.


Diabetes, considered here as an already diagnosed and established disease, speaks of an inflammatory and metabolic process (body chemical reactions), with involvement of both large vessels (macrovascular) and small arterioles and capillaries (microvascular), which will be greater or lesser depending on the degree of control of the disease, which is why the doctor must be vigilant of the appearance of this type of deterioration to adjust the treatment and thus prevent the progression of the disease.

Cholesterol problems.

This refers to the presence of some type of DYSLIPIDEMIA or chronic alteration of some type of fat fraction in the blood, whether these are the types of alterations that we call familial or without any family relationship, whatever the fraction and whether it has merited or merits some type of treatment, we include it here because of its importance as a trigger for vascular diseases with all their consequences, as well as its importance as an indicator of other possible health problems.

Heart Disease.

In this context, it refers to HEART DISEASES ALREADY DIAGNOSED, controlled or uncontrolled, that merit or have merited treatment at some point in your life.

Vascular Diseases.

In this context it refers to clearly diagnosed artery DISEASES that have warranted treatment at some point in your life..

Respiratory Diseases.

Refers to lung diseases that you currently have or have had throughout your life such as Asthma or Chronic Bronchitis (COPD).

Diseases of the Digestive Tract.

This section is intended to cover diseases of the entire digestive tract and the LIVER as part of the DIGESTIVE system, which are currently present or have been diagnosed and treated during your lifetime.

Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases.

This refers to diseases of the HORMONE PRODUCING ORGANS, which you have been diagnosed with and have required treatment for at some point in your life, except DIABETES which is covered in another question above because of its importance.

Neurological and Mental Illnesses.

We aim to collect data concerning both emotional or mental illnesses and diseases of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (brain and spinal cord) and the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (nerve conduction pathways, nerves, nerve-muscle junctions, nerve impulse receptors - the wires that transmit nerve impulses).

Kidney Diseases.

It refers to chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, not to acute infections that you have or have had throughout your life..


Please mark as positive if you have been diagnosed with or treated for any type of cancer now or at any other time in your life, whether you have been cured of it or not.


Here you will be presented with a space where you can provide all the foods or medicines that have triggered some kind of allergic reaction in your life. This section is very important to avoid prescription errors that could affect you in the future.